August 22


The Basement, Storage Room, and the Front Porch

basement storageI have three areas in my house that are still jammed packed with a hoard of stuff.  These are the areas that give it away that I really am a hoarder.

The basement is probably the worst.  I don’t like going down there very often because my allergies go crazy.  I also have a hard time because there’s a lot of memory things in buckets.  There’s some shelves that we built years ago that are the perfect size for the buckets.  It used to be organized but now there’s so much stuff in front of them that they’re hard to get to.  I have no idea what’s in most of them.

The storage room is full but fine the way it is.  Well, it was until my daughter decided that she wants to move back home.  She’s only been gone two months so I’m not really ready for her to move back but she is.  She’s been over every night going through stuff with me so that she has a place to stay.  I told her that I don’t want her sleeping in my living room this time.  It’s been a struggle.  She wants me to throw it all away but I just can’t do it.  I’ve gotten rid of a lot already but I know that I’m still keeping too much.

The front porch doesn’t look any better than it did three months ago.  In fact, I think it’s much worse.  There’s so much horse stuff out there that I need to find a place to keep it.  I honestly don’t know how I’m ever going to dig it out again.  I think that it’s gotten to the point where the entire porch will need to get emptied out completely and then each thing brought back in one by one.

I’m not sure how I’m going to get rid of all of this stuff.  I would love to do a free table but I’m having a hard time letting things go lately.  I wish I could find someone to set it up for me so that I couldn’t change my mind on anything.  Maybe I could convince my mom and my daughter to do that for me.

Since I am out of room everywhere, these three areas needed to be cleaned out sooner rather than later.  I’ll keep working on it but I really need to pick up the pace.

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  • you sound like frustrated/tired and I can see why… letting go of things may be hard but then it looks like they rule your home, life, psychology, and even health and time.. this is something that nobody should be experiencing (life is short and among all things there are sweet things; let’s get them…)…
    I have been following you for a long time and I know how sincerely you acknowledge the extra stuff in your house and what a serious attempt you make to clear your home/your thoughts from them. if I may and if it is going to support you and your decluttering efforts, I would say; “enough with that. I want my life as I want it” and I would make my choices to lighten up my life and emotions. I know you have done this before, so be confident.
    You deserve joy.

    • Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I know I keep saying the same things over and over but it helps me get out some of that frustration! There’s just some days that it’s just too overwhelming for me. It is definitely affecting my whole life right now and I can’t wait until I finally have the whole house tackled and am free of all this.

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