October 29


Forced to Take a Decluttering Break

I was so gungho the other day to finish my front porch within a week but I woke up yesterday with a sore wrist.  I was hoping that it would get better throughout the day but unfortunately, it just got worse.  By last night, I couldn’t sleep the pain was so unbearable.  I was this close to going to the ER but decided to try to stick it out until morning.  Urgent care is much cheaper than the emergency room.

When I got to the doctor, my hand and wrist were so swollen that the urgent care doctor kind of freaked me out.  She was saying that she might send me for an ultrasound because she was worried there was a blood clot in my arm but thankfully never made another mention of that.  She did have blood work and an x-ray done, neither of which showed anything in particular.

She said the pain is being caused by the swelling being so bad that it’s pinching my nerve and left the final diagnosis as inflammation.  I’m not very satisfied with that diagnosis because something must be causing the swelling and all she’s doing is masking it with anti-inflammatories. I’m supposed to see my regular doctor next week but won’t be able to get in until the following week.

Unfortunately, it’s my right hand and wrist that are having the problem so there’s not really much I can do.  I’m fairly dexterous and can use my left hand quite a bit but it’s not as strong and gets tired pretty quickly.  I guess I will be taking a break from my decluttering for a few days.  I hope I can get back to it quickly.

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    • Sometimes my brain says “Stop!!” too! Yep, my wrist is all better now 🙂 I went and followed you so maybe you can follow back? I wonder why there’s no box? I’ll have to check my settings tomorrow.

  • I once had a bee/wasp sting on my wrist that swelled up an area of my forearm. The internal infection/swelling seemed to put pressure on my tendons, so it was like an ‘extreme’ case of tendinitis for a few days until the pressure went… and it did so on its own. I hope your issue passes swiftly.

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