April 18


It’s all gone downhill since Saturday night

The trip to Tennessee was great. Everything was really nice right up until 10 p.m. Saturday, the night before we were leaving. When I woke up that morning, I went and sat out on the front porch, like I had every other morning, but something was different. The winds had changed. Things felt strange and the birds seemed to be singing a different tune. It was like a Mary Poppins moment.

The rest of the day went okay and I had forgotten how strange the wind had felt that morning. We went and met their neighbors’ family and spent a little time at their house. It was nice. But as soon as we went back to the house, that’s when all the strange unfortunate things started happening.

The first was the accountant calling. For years, my taxes have always seemed to work out. Pay a little federal and then get a state return or vice versa. It just never changed much. Well, this year, we owe thousands of dollars. I still don’t know how that even happens. So here it was 10 p.m. on the night before the day we’re leaving at 6:00 in the morning and I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to be in bed by 10 but who could sleep after hearing that kind of news? I was a wreck and that’s when I started feeling a little cruddy.

The drive home the next day wasn’t too bad. The GPS took us a different way home than we had gone. It involved going down a mountain (or really huge hill) and my ears were (or weren’t) popping. They filled up but didn’t actually pop for over an hour. I could hardly hear a thing. It was painful! I thought I was going to have a brain aneurysm or something. There was so much pressure in my head and to top it off, I still wasn’t feeling well in general. We made it home okay though.

On Monday, my son, his wife and their new baby were taking a vacation two hours away. I took my mom and the twins to go see them because my mom hasn’t gotten a chance to see the baby yet. The drive there was fine. The truck was doing something a little strange at one point but I ignored it because it was still driving okay. It just felt a little funny. We got home later that afternoon and I took my daughter out to do some riding. The temp dropped 20 degrees and I was freezing and feeling worse by the minute.

On the way home, we decided to stop at the store. We pulled into the parking lot and the truck started making all kinds of crazy noises. Every time I went over 10 mph, it got much worse. I knew it had to do with the bearings.  So, it took forever to get home but we made it. I still can’t believe that we made it home from both trips without anything happening! I guess that I can truly thank God for that one!

Still, the truck wouldn’t have been an awful thing by itself because it has a warranty but that’s not how things work around here. Of course, my son had his driving test in the morning at 8:30 a.m. I tried to borrow my mom’s car but her brake light was on. Can’t take the test if any lights are on. So, we had to use our other vehicle which is a smaller truck that has lots wrong with it, but no lights on.

He didn’t pass. The way everything was going, I wasn’t surprised. I took him to school and since then, I’ve been feeling worse and worse all day. I need to feel better but I keep feeling worse. I have a terrible sore throat and headache. And just now, my friend texted me and said that her husband just went to the ER because he’s having chest pains.

A whole bunch of smaller things happened too but these are some of the biggies. I hope the wind changes again soon!

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    • About two days after I wrote this, I got this worst case of pink eye that I’ve ever had. I had to pay for a hotel room that I didn’t end up using because I had to go back home so I could see a doctor. The next three days, I walked around the horse fair looking like a zombie with a bloody eye.

    • Yep! It’s crazy. Of course, you’re supposed to be paying better attention during the year so that you don’t end up in these situations. And if we hadn’t been able to borrow the money, we would have had to pay on a payment plan and there would have been penalties and interest that could have amounted to almost $10,000. I still can’t believe this happened.

  • Sometimes when things pile on you can’t help but think (or I can’t anyway) “what did I do to deserve this?” and “I can’t *take* one more thing going wrong.”

  • virtual hugs! looks like one of these days when, as you said, everything goes wrong.. I am grateful, however, that you are safe and sound, especially thinking about that truck and the weird noises it makes. I am sorry to hear about the taxes, which sucks big time….. eventually my good friend, I hope things will turn around

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