November 19


You’re Never Going to Believe This! Days 68 – 82

I found another basket full of socks!!

It was a whole basket full of socks plus another bag.  You won’t believe how many more that I got rid of today! My pics are all in sets of 18 socks that are in the garbage can outside already.  Most of them are plain white socks so the pics aren’t very exciting!














#14 – There’s only 6 socks in this batch and the rest is other things that I found in the basket – except for the Dorothy costume.  That came out of the washer but I’m getting rid of it.

So, I added 14 much needed days to my challenge.  I’m getting a little bit behind so this will help me get caught up.  I got rid of a total of 240 socks and 12 other things for a total of 252!! And they are already out of the house!

Now for the updated counts.  They got messed up somewhere along the way.

I have to make a correction from my count on Day 50.  I think that I double counted days 1-25 so that put me back to 3,419 as of day 50.

So, here we are on Day 82.  That’s 32 more days of 18 things each or 576 things.

GRAND TOTAL is now 3,995 things that never have to be picked up again.  (I can’t believe that I missed 4,000 by 5 things.  Oh well, the next “day” will get me there!)

I don’t think I’m going to get to 5,000 by the end of 2017 but I’m much closer than I was a few months ago.  I’ll keep trying and you just never know what might happen.  Who knows? There could be another basket of socks hiding somewhere!


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