Again it’s a beautiful day but there’s 1 million things I can’t stop thinking about. So much that needs to get done during the weekend. Camper needs to get prepped for winter, grass needs to get cut, house is a mess, I need to get some things on eBay and there’s a meeting on Tuesday night that I need to plan for. Not only that but I have to go to the barn tonight and we need to start getting ready for the state show next weekend. I’m at the point of there’s so much to do I don’t want to do anything.
I shouldn’t say that I haven’t done anything at all because I have done a few things. I went to the barn this morning and then I got home and made some waffles. I love making waffles but don’t get to do it very often. Then I went and got my laundry going. I straightened up the living room a little bit and turned on YouTube. That’s another thing I love to do but don’t get much time doing.
I love my camper too but I’m not much of a camper myself. It’s set up in my driveway right now and I was going to take it down today but maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll leave it up a couple more days and sit inside it and enjoy it. That’s my favorite kind of camping. The driveway kind with electricity coming from the house. Beautiful weather like we’re having today helps too.
It might be the slowly changing seasons or the stress from work but I’ve been having a hard time focusing lately. Sending my son off to college wasn’t easy either and my mom keeps getting sick. The combination of all these things is taking a toll on me.
But, through all of this…
I can see how much the decluttering over the past few years has helped!! Some days I can only see how far I have to go yet but most days I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It will never be perfect because I’m a hoarder at heart but it feels so freeing.
Now that I’ve had a chance to get this all out in writing, I feel like I’m better prepared for this week. My priorities are getting ready for the state horse show next weekend and getting there and home safely. I’m going to try not to stress about it too much or worry about the mess at the house. It’s really not bad compared to how it was do it’ll be ok for another couple of weeks.
I said I would be going through the house room by room and I’ve been doing that just haven’t been keeping track of it. I’ve gotten rid of a few things but not a ton. Since I’ve already been through most of the house, the stuff that’s left is a little harder to get rid of. I also still have a lot of people giving me stuff which doesn’t help either. That’s one problem I haven’t solved yet. I think another time or two through the house and we”ll finally be able to get some more repairs done. It’s taking forever to get them unburied.
Now that winter is rapidly approaching maybe I’ll finally be able to get back at working hard on all of this. I’m hoping things calm down a little bit and I get a little more time back. I just don’t know where it’s been going lately. I’m also hoping to get back to my regular writing, another thing I love to do that I haven’t had time for. I’m in need of some good changes and hopefully they’re coming soon!!
Beautiful Horse
Jen, so glad you took the time to write, and take the pix!
And that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! Yay! Celebrate your successes!
Thanks! 🙂
I think one of the key ways I managed my hoarding was to switch from accepting anything and everything (because us hoarders can see a use in everything!) to getting into the habit of politely declining things (not always so easy).
It’s especially hard when the things they are trying to give you are nicer than the things you already own.
Love the pics!!