I have a friend who used to live here with her son. They had gotten kicked out of their apartment but I don’t think it was their fault. I don’t remember the exact circumstances but they needed someplace to go so I let them move in.
It wasn’t the brightest idea. She didn’t really have any money to help with bills and I didn’t realize she was planning on staying for an entire year. Things got pretty hard for awhile with all the people and everyone’s clutter. We had nine people living in my little house. It wasn’t easy.
The one good thing though was that my friend knew how to clean. She didn’t spend a lot of time cleaning but enough. I think she didn’t want to feel like a maid so she just helped a little here and there. One thing she did was put toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet every night. It was always clean. It was such a simple thing yet made a big difference.
After I had to tell her to leave, our friendship was a little strained to say the least. I didn’t talk to her for a couple of years. We lost contact for awhile but recently started talking again. She came to my son’s baby shower and I ran into her son at Panera. It’s been good seeing them.
She stopped over unexpectedly tonight. She was laughing at me about the porch. She knows I struggle with hoarding so seeing all that stuff balancing there made her laugh. Then she came in and saw the shelves. She laughed about that too. She said, “Well, next time I need to go shopping, I’m just going to come here!” I told her that she just needed to let me know what she wanted!
It was a nice little visit. I wasn’t totally embarrassed having her come over but I definitely need to do a lot more decluttering on my main floor.