February 16


The Allergy Delay in the Storage Room

Are you wondering what an allergy delay is? It’s a break from decluttering in the storage room because my allergies have been so bad in there!

I couldn’t take it anymore. The allergies were making me sicker everyday so I decided to stop. Not only that, but it took me awhile to get things ready to get rid of them. It actually took longer than I’d like to admit so the allergy delay was completely acceptable.

It was better when I wore a mask in there but then I would forget and get really sick. Unfortunately, I need to get back at it. Now that I have the shelves and storage bins, it would be great to get those set up.

Once I get through everything in there, it will be easier to do some dusting and vacuuming. Hopefully that will help my allergies. I don’t quite have enough space on the floor to vacuum yet but almost!

Bye Bye Allergy Delay, Hello Cha-Ching!!

While waiting on the allergy delay, I’ve also been working on eBay! I finally got a batch sent off to my virtual assistant. She should be finishing up today or tomorrow and that makes me really happy.

I’m going to share some of those auctions on my next post so you can see the kinds of things I’m finding around the house to list! Maybe you have some of the same things and you can give it a try too!

This just reminded me that someone asked awhile ago what my username is and I think that I forgot to reply so I’ll just post the links when they’re ready.

Lastly, I have a question for everyone. Are books similar to pens, socks, and Tupperware lids? Do they multiply on their own?? I’ve always been relieved that I’m not a book hoarder because they’re so heavy. But today, I realized that I have books everywhere!! Like at least 5 stacks of them. I don’t read! Where are they coming from?

This is a mystery to me!

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  • I wish I could comment on books multiplying – I know exactly where mine come from. Now those rouge socks and pens, they multiply like rabbits in our house.

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