July 1


Another Month Down in This Crazy Year

We survived another month. I’m still working at home which makes me very happy. What’s not making me happy though is the way that the number of coronavirus cases are going up here. I knew we were in trouble when they decided that safer at home policies were unconstitutional here and everyone thought that meant the virus was gone.

One of the other things that’s going exceptionally well this year is my garden. I haven’t had time to tend to a garden in years so this is really making me smile. It’s not a big garden by any means but it’s flourishing. I have 5 tomato plants with baby tomatoes and tons of buds. I also have one pepper plant with a baby pepper and a zucchini plant with a giant bud on it. There’s also red raspberry bushes that are getting huge and black raspberries that are almost ready. The flowers are also amazing this year!

tomato plants

The bathtub is in the bathroom and I’m hoping to start working on the rest of the room this weekend. Finding a sink and vanity has turned into a real nightmare though. When I find one I like, the store doesn’t have it. Most things can be delivered to the store for free but not a vanity apparently. That costs an additional $80 and I’m just not willing to pay that. We did buy a vanity but it’s about 3″ deeper than the current one and the sink that we got doesn’t match it very good. I’m still debating taking it back.


I bet you were expecting a bathtub pic and not flowers, right? Don’t worry, I’ll be posting bathroom pics pretty soon!

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    • Thanks!! I think soo too!! I feel like I haven’t actually seen them for many years even though they’ve been there every summer.

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