Only 2 posts left for the attic room. I have some things from yesterday (I fell asleep before I posted the pic) and then the rest from today.
There’s still way too much up there but I decided that it’s time to move onto the next room. I feel okay with that decision because I’m pretty sure after I list out these two boxes, I’ll be over my goal of 500 things! Wow!
Here’s the load from yesterday:
- 12 cords
- 3 extension cords
- Relay box
- Keyboard
- Phone stand
- Active phone
- 3 writing books
- 10 papers
- Spray bottle of liquid soap
33 things!! That’s 438. Uh oh.. that means I need 62 more. Did I do it? Check the next post to find out…!! (If I don’t have enough, I’ll be heading back up there until I have enough to reach 500!)