Do you ever think, “I wish I could just stuff it in a bag and forget about it”?
I do.
All the time.
It’s so easy to do! You don’t have to think about it or where it came from. Who cares whose it is and if they’ll be mad that it’s gone. You don’t have to feel guilty because you haven’t gotten rid of it. It’s out of sight, out of mind.
That works for a while. Until one day, there’s no room left to put another bag or bucket or basket or wherever else you like to stash the things that you don’t want to deal with.
That’s where I’m at today. Going through bag after bag of little things that I don’t want to deal with.
Lots of nostalgia hiding out here.
- Computer cords
- pennies
- pens
- memory cards
- cookie cutters from great grandma
- PC games from back in the day (who remembers Zoombinis?)
- cat leashes
- kitty bow ties
- Mario Bros duct tape
- beanie babies
- mini beanie babies
- votive candles from the Partylite days
- candle melts from the Scentsy days
- screws
- hinges
- hooks
- streamers
- keychains
- random keys to nowhere
- laptop locks
- watch batteries
- Matchbox cars
- A million other things that have no place to go.
This stuff needs to be dealt with. No more little bags all over the house.
Start by getting rid of as much as you possibly can from each bag using the old standby tricks:
You don’t love it? Let it go.
You haven’t used it in a year? Let it go.
It doesn’t bring you joy? Let it go.
If you don’t need it, let it go.
Oh wait, that’s the hang up with the little stuff in the little bags. Of course you don’t need a door latch today, but it is something that you might need soon. Streamers, well, there’s a graduation next year. I need Zoombinis.
Once you actually let a few things go, then try to at least put similar items together. All those computer cords that you have no idea what they’re for? Put those all in one bag.
All of the random pieces of hardware go in a bag. Pet supplies go with the pet supplies.
The reason to do this is that one roll of streamers in four different bags still seems like one roll of streamers. Four rolls of streamers in one bag seems like two too many rolls of streamers. It makes it much easier to get rid of two of them which is better than keeping four.
It’s all in the perspective.