January 19


Finally Starting in the Bedroom Again

First day in the bedroom is going great. I’m hoping this room goes a little quicker than the attic. It’s just as bad, maybe even worse, but I go through this stuff more often.

Here’s my start for the day:

  • 4 Pairs of shorts
  • 36 pairs of underwear
  • 19 shirts

Ok that stuff was easy because it wasn’t mine.

Here’s my stuff that I did manage to get rid of today:

  • 36 shirts/jackets/sweaters
  • Handbag
  • Pair of shoulder pads
  • 10 Pairs of pants/jeans/shorts

Yay! It’s a lot! The pile is huge! 117 things from one day.

It feels so good to get rid of so much in one day!! Unfortunately, this one will be slower though because I’m back to the time crunch. I tried all week and today is the first day I’ve had any time.

The other problem is that my allergies are so bad on that side of the house. It’s very dusty in my room so I’ve spent the day with the sniffles. I’m not sure if it’s only the dust or if there’s other allergens in there. It’s really bad and I’ve even been wheezing most of the day from it. Yuck.

Well, I’m going to leave it at that for today.

My new total for the house in 2019 is 621. Wow! I’m excited!

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    • I have a cute closet story from a few years ago. I used to have a pair of original 80’s Nike high tops that were mine in my closet for all those years. They were white with a neon orange stripe. A couple years ago, it was 80’s day at the twin’s school so I proudly pulled those shoes out and told my daughter she could wear them. Before she left the house, a piece had fallen off one of them. We put a little duct tape on it and she was good to go but thankfully grabbed another pair of shoes on the way out the door. By the end of her 2nd hour class, those shoes were in the garbage!!!! Every time she took a step, a big chunk fell off of them!! Hahahaha!!!! I guess things don’t last forever…so why let them use up all that space until they just crumble beneath us anyways…literally.. lol!

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