January 22


Day 11 of Bedroom Decluttering and Finally Done

I was going to keep working on my bedroom until I had 14 good days of decluttering finished.  But I decided that I’m done after day 11.  I’ve gotten rid of well over 500 things and I spent some time dusting and vacuuming in there today.  Next time I have a little money, I would like to find a new comforter but the one I have now works just fine.

My dresser and closet are both still too full and could use another round of decluttering but I’m ready to move on to the kitchen.  I did manage to find one more pile of stuff to get rid of today.  Here’s the final bedroom list:

  • Holey jeans
  • Eastery shirt
  • Swim shorts
  • Pair of sandals
  • 3 single sandals
  • Pack of Rev-a-locks (these are locks that go inside cabinets and then you use a magnet on the outside to unlock the cabinet)
  • Cucumber lotion (I hate the smell of cucumber lotions so I don’t know why I had so many)
  • Homemade hacky sack (you can make them with sand and balloons)
  • Tealight candle
  • Some blue plastic thing (I have no idea what in the world this is)
  • Feather duster (I tried dusting with it but ended up putting more dust in the room so I guess that means it’s time to get rid of it)
  • Light Control module
  • Snowflake pillow case
  • Camping themed pillow case
  • Shirt
  • Khaki pants
  • Jeans
  • Sweatshirt
  • Light jeans
  • Feather duster
  • Howdy Doody Hallmark ornament
  • Scarlett from Gone with the Wind Hallmark ornament
  • Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind Hallmark ornament
  • Basketball playing mouse Hallmark ornament
  • Brother puppy Hallmark ornament
  • Monkey with a banana Hallmark ornament
  • 2013 Somebunny new to love at Christmas Hallmark ornament
  • Soccer playing seal Hallmark ornament
  • Three Wishes Hallmark ornament
  • Teddy bear in a shoe Hallmark ornament
  • Another Hallmark ornament
  • A vacuum cleaner canister full of dust (Ok, I can’t really count this one but there was so much dust in there that you would think I put it in there on purpose!!)

That’s a total of 33 things today!

bedroom decluttering day 11

Final Bedroom Decluttering Total after 11 Days = 542 things

I still have all of the bags that are ready to go.  I’m going to pile them up in a little bit, take some pics, and then take them somewhere to donate them.  I wanted to do it this way so that I could see the actual amount of space that I’m freeing up by getting rid of all these things.  I’ll post them as soon as I get a chance.

Grand decluttering total for the whole house = 2,029 things that I never have to pick up again!  Yay!! I have finally gotten over 2,000!!

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  • Woot Woot! YAY!! Here comes your ticker tape parade!! And the crowd goes wild!!!
    But you know I am snickering about the 3 single sandals!! (And wondering how many of those or socks you’ll find in the kitchen!)

  • This is awesome!! I can’t wait to see the after pic of the bedroom! I know you must have several different feelings right now – “boy am I glad it’s done” to “I feel great about finishing this” to “2029 items gone!!” Congrats!!

  • I do not know what I like most about these posts; the way you inspire all of us to declutter and to admire your progress, or the way you describe certain items and your feelings about them (such as cucumber lotions or the vacuum cleaner canister 🙂 )

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