January 1


Day 6 The Motherlode of Socks!

It’s been a rough day.  I got those old familiar words going through my head.. FAIL and STUCK.  I know that I haven’t failed yet.  I just have a lot to go through and even though I feel stuck, I’m not.  It just takes time when there’s so much.  Way more than I realized.  Why is there so  much stuff in there?

Big numbers today!  I didn’t feel like I was accomplishing much at all until I counted.  That’s when I realized that I got through a lot.

The count for today consists of:

  • 2 coats
  • 12 pairs of pants and jeans
  • 25 shirts (It was exhausting trying on so many clothes!)
  • bath fizzies
  • biking glove (just one)
  • 70 single socks
  • 15 pairs of socks that no one ever claimed

126 Things for Today!

bedroom decluttering day 6 bedroom decluttering day 6

Total After Day 6 = 361

Today was all about the socks.  The bag was buried underneath a whole bunch of things and I laughed when I found it.  Then I brought it downstairs and my daughter laughed when she saw it.  Socks are a joke around here.  Hundreds of hours have been spent trying to match them up to no avail.

Grand Decluttering Total = 1,838 things that I will never have to pick up again.

 Flash Says HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

bedroom decluttering day 6

He was happy that we took a break and went to visit him today 🙂


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