It’s always a bummer when you have a long list of things you want to get done and then something like Covid happens.
It’s frustrating when even one goal for the day is too much.
I was doing pretty great keeping up with the garden and the house. The weeds were trying to get a foothold but I was keeping them at bay. I had finally just finished mulching around one of the rows of tomatoes.
The house was okay. It would get messy but then clean up pretty quickly. Except the kitchen. The kitchen is always a mess.
And then I got sick.
For the past week and a half, I have done nothing. It’s the weekend and I thought by now I would feel well enough to get something done. Even one thing, like weed whacking along the back of the house. It’s not that much but it feels like too much.
I did a few dishes last night and I’m hoping to get a few more done today.
That’ll probably be it for the day. Maybe every day I’ll be able to do a little more. Maybe by Tuesday I’ll be able to get on the tractor and take care of a few of those weeds.
I hope everyone else is doing good and if you’ve been sick with this, please pass along a few words of encouragement to those of us who feel like we’re never going to get better.
This is a terrible feeling.
Hope you start feeling “normal” soon. Sorry though – the few people I know who had it and weren’t kids were sickly for a couple of weeks.
Well that’s bad news… I’m so ready to be over this. Ugh.