January 28


Is getting things a blessing or a curse?

Every time I get rid of things, they’re almost immediately replaced by a well meaning person.  I always wonder if I’m blessed for giving things away or if I’m cursed and I’ll always have a hoard of stuff at my house.

It’s been less than a week since I donated all those bags of clothes and today, someone brought a great big giant box of clothes for me.  Thankfully, a lot of them are too small or not my style so it’ll be easy to get rid of them but some are going to make it to my room.  I’m thankful yet a little stressed.

Am I blessed or cursed?

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  • Oh no! You must learn to say thanks but NO THANKS!!!! After all that work. We make it known throughout our family that we don’t want presents at Christmas so we don’t keep collecting ‘stuff’ that clutters the house and makes us feel guilty if we get rid of stuff people bought us. And oh dear, odd socks that Melissa mentioned, that is me too, just in case the other ones suddenly show up. Like they’re gonna!

  • Um, that’s a hard one. Maybe it’s a test to see if you really mean to declutter or not??
    I just ran across this on “Setting My Intention”, and I knew I had to tell you!! Angela says she’s “a hopeless sock romantic,” since she keeps mate less socks!! Does that sound like you, or what??!! 😉

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