November 12


And There Goes the Couch… It’s Buried

The other day, I unburied the extra couch in the living room.  Today, it’s buried again. It took about five minutes to lose it.  Here’s what happened.  There’s a dining room table in the corner.  It has kind of become a catch all table with things underneath it too.  I cleaned off the top by putting everything on the couch.  I know that it doesn’t seem like I’m accomplishing anything by doing that but I needed it off the table.


In the morning, I’ll start by cleaning the couch off, again, for like the 25th time in the last year.  Once I’m done with that, it will be time to deal with the extra furniture.  I’ve been sitting here all evening looking at it.  I’ve been trying to figure out what to do.

The Table is Almost Done

I stained the top of the new table/desk that is going in the living room.  It’s really big which is why the extra furniture needs to go.  I was hoping to get it set up this weekend but we’ll see how things go in the morning. There’s so many things that need to get put away.


I went to Hobby Lobby today because my daughter needed to get something.  They have so many wall decorations there.  The wall behind my couch has been bare for awhile now. I’m terrible at decorating so I’m taking my time but I found something that I would like to hang up there. Actually, I found two things but I’ve already decided on the one that I would like to get.  I hope it looks good!

The living room is getting better by the day.  I wish the decluttering was easier and going faster but there’s progress.   I might be able to do a few before and after pics in the morning but we’ll see.

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  • I completely understand! I do that same thing, clean off one surface completely, by transferring first! Your couch looks like an old fashioned wooden “settle”? You are making progress, so stay encouraged!!
    That’s great that you are picking out decor already! That proves progress! You have re-gained hope!

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