March 25


Cats and Clutter Don’t Go Well Together

I always thought I would have dogs in my adult life.  I love dogs.  I’m a dog person, or so I’ve always thought.  But I didn’t have dogs like I thought I would.  A family member with dog allergies meant no dog for me ever again.  My kids wouldn’t get to benefit from all the joy a dog can bring.

Then, about six years ago, something happened.  I found a cat or maybe I should say that the cat found me.  He was in a terrible situation and begged me to help him.  I didn’t know what to do because I never had a cat.  My friend’s cats always hid when I was around so I never actually had any contact with cats.  I was a little terrified of them but I love animals so I helped him.



This is Stalker.  He’s the cat that I saved.  As you can see, he’s a very intelligent cat.  I called him Stalker because he followed me around the house all day long.  I didn’t know what he wanted but then I saw the grateful look in his eyes and knew he was just trying to thank me for saving him.  He’s been a joy since the day I brought him home.  I don’t think there’s another cat in the world who would have been a better first cat.



Next came Patches.  She’s a fun loving, friendly, I want to meet everyone kind of cat.  She is happy being the center of attention.  The reason we got Patches is kind of silly too.  Stalker seemed to like the girls in the family and the boys were feeling left out.  So, they went and got a little girl kitty and she loves the boys!  It all worked out perfectly.



This is Oskar, our newest addition.  He’s so much fun.  Even though he’s super shy around strangers and scared of tiny noises, he makes me laugh every day.  You could also say that I finally got my dog.  He plays fetch better than most dogs I know, even gets in a few flips here and there.  He growls at strangers walking up to the door and he tries to bark by saying “Woof!”.  He’s great.

Cats and Clutter

I don’t think cats like having clutter around and I’m glad that we didn’t have dogs or cats when our house was at it’s worst.  I think that would have been miserable for all of us.  My cats love it when they can roam around without having to climb through mounds of stuff.  They look less stressed and are much happier.  Sometimes things pile up but as soon as I move a few things, they come along and sleep in the cleared out spots.  When I see that, I know that the clutter affects them and I get motivated to do more.

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  • I’m a cat person and my 4 cats love the clutter I let them have. They even have an area where they have taken stuff off their human sized bed and rearranged it on the floor. Toys, bags, and more! Quite funny and cute! They’ll be mad when I finally take everything off the floor and throw it away. Then the process will start anew! 🙂

  • I loved the stories about each cat. Stalker following you around to say thank you touched me. I think you are so right about the cats’ sensitivity to the house and clutter. And maybe they pick up that you are less stressed too.

  • The area where my cats roam are the living room, dining area and kitchen (it’s all one space). And we cannot leave any food out or spills/crumbs on the counter because they’ll get it. We can’t leave anything with a wire or string or handle because they’ll chew it. It’s an extremely clean, clutter free area because they will get into most things that are left out.

  • I love this story about your cats. I’m the opposite in that I’m a cat person, since that’s what I grew up with, but when living at home in later years we got some dogs which turned me around somewhat. And indeed I think our pets stress out with our clutter as much as we do.

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