November 23


Cleaning Before Company Comes for Thanksgiving

It’s midnight.  Today did not go as I expected.  The plan was to go to work, participate in a potluck lunch, then come home and clean for awhile.  What?  Cleaning all in one day and not panicking about it?

Anyways, I made it to work okay and the day was progressing at a good pace.  It was 20 minutes until the potluck lunch.  My mouth was watering from the smell of the shredded turkey.  It looked so delicious.  I love turkey.  And then, my daughter called and that’s when the whole entire day got twisted around.

She called me at work and sounded a little shook up.  I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she had bruises all over her legs.  They just appeared and they were pretty big.  She had made the mistake of looking it up on Google and found all kinds of scary diagnosis like leukemia, diabetes, and liver diseases.  I told her to get to my work as quickly as she could and I would go with her to urgent care.

We were there for two and a half hours.  I missed my lunch.  The doctor didn’t really give us any answers.  He did some lab work but didn’t really find anything.  He said to come back in 2 weeks and get retested.  I went back to work for a half hour and then headed home an hour early.  I started cleaning right away.  I’m simply amazed at how nice it looks in here.  I’m also amazed at how much decluttering I still have to do but the cleaning wasn’t frantic or stressful.  I just had a few things to do and I had a plan.  I can even say that I’m not going to be embarrassed when my new son-in-law or my new daughter-in-law come over during this holiday weekend.

The other great thing that happened was that I was walking around in socks at home tonight.  I know that’s something that most people take for granted but when your house is in a hoarding state, you can’t do that or you might really hurt your feet.   There’s so many small pointy little things that end up on the floor that you have to wear shoes to protect your feet.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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  • Oh no, Jen!! I’ll pray that you find the answer soon for your daughter! And that it’s not serious!
    Congrats on the cleaning, and the socks!! WOO HOO!! (Now, is it a PAIR of socks?? Or 2 singles trying to mate??)

  • Well done for getting through a challenging day and still managing to get the cleaning done! It is a great feeling when a previously messy, untidy house looks and feels clean and tidy.

    I also need the pressure of my sons and their wives visiting to make me pay attention to the house! Hope your daughter is ok – could be something like weak capillaries from needing Vitamin C (but I am not a doctor!)

    I used to bruise really easily and for no apparent reason and was told to take lots of Vitamin C and eat the pith on citrus fruit to strengthen capillaries. Just an idea but keep pushing the doctors for answers!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.

    • Thank you! And right after I posted this, I thought of Vitamin C too! So when I saw that you said the same thing, I got her some right away. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it helps.

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