In a little over two weeks, I’ll have to start dealing with all of our stuff again so I need to create a good cleaning routine. It takes between a few weeks and a few months to form a habit and I badly need a cleaning habit!
Even though there’s not much here at the moment, I somehow manage to make a mess everyday. It seems like a mess anyways. It’s only going to get worse once there’s more things around the house.
I’m getting very used to not having much around though so I’m dreading the days that I have to deal with everything again. There will be lots more going out the door but I know that there’s still a lot that I won’t want to let go of.
Organization will be key I’m sure. As much as I would like to work on planning for each room, the time factor will come into play. We won’t have much time to think about it. That will have to come later.
The more clean it stays on a daily basis, the easier it will be to organize it as it comes in. It’s all very worrisome!
The kitchen needs a cleaning routine the most.
We seem to struggle the most in the kitchen. Dealing with dirty dishes is a constant battle. I feel like that one thing should be the foundation of the entire cleaning routine. The rest could be built out from there.
Kitchen counters should be next on the list since everything accumulates there. Sweeping the floor could be third on the list. Getting those three things done every day would be a big help.
Lots of changes are heading this way! I’m hoping to share them all with you. It might be a little hectic the next few weeks but eventually it’ll get back to normal.
You have a gorgeous house!! Have I missed something? Did you put stuff in storage?
Ugh, kitchen is definitely my worst! I have consistently kept my toilet swished since I moved here tho! So that’s a plus.
Thank you so much!!! I love it but I haven’t seen it like this in a long time! It’s always buried under mounds of stuff. Oh the toilet is a good one!… I’ll add that one to the list of top 5 things to do routinely. You didn’t miss anything. It’s been so crazy around here that I haven’t really had much time for talking about it. Plus, I’m trying to wait a little longer too. I’ll share everything soon! Hugs!
For me the kitchen floor drives me bonkers. There is always dust and spots of dropped water or juice on the dark hardwood floors. And we have a lot of light from south and east facing windows so there is no escaping it. I have learned to keep a floor duster close at hand and just sweep up when I see something.