August 12


Where did the clear spot in the basement go?

It’s amazing how quickly the clear spots fill up!  This is good and bad.  It’s great that the boys are finally letting go of some of the stuff they’ve been holding onto.  Not so great that it takes up so much space and it’s physically hard stuff to get rid of.  Some of these computers are really big and heavy.  The city garbage people don’t pick these kinds of things up either so you have to hope that the metal pickers grab them.  The only other thing you can do is hide them in your garbage bags but again, some of them are really big.

This is what it looked like:


This is what it looks like right now:


It’s like a computer museum in my basement.  This pile is huge!  Just look at all the space that will be freed up once these are out.  Yay!!! The boys were having second thoughts about getting rid of them all so I told them to keep a few if they wanted.  They ended up deciding on their own that they need to get rid of them.  There’s too many and not enough time in the day to do anything with all these.  A few friends were called and I was told that it might take about two weeks for them to get rid of all of them.  What’s two more weeks when they’ve been down there for years?

Considering how overwhelmed I was when I first went down to the basement, I can’t believe how far we got.  I guess that’s how it works when everyone works on it together!   I think that we’re all really starting to appreciate the little empty spaces.  It’s also getting easier for everyone to see when something needs to be cleaned up.  I never thought that would happen!

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