I keep talking about three areas that I need to work on but I’m waiting until after Christmas. Â One of those spots couldn’t wait because I want it cleaned up a little bit before I put the tree up this weekend. Â I decided that I could work on it a little bit at a time. Â I wasn’t going to just because it always seems I make more of a mess when I’m trying to clean up.
The Shoes
The area that I decided I could start on is the shoe holder by the door. Â There’s still a lot of summer sandals in there and it’s freezing outside. Â So, the sandals can all be put in the bedrooms now. Â We aren’t going to wear most of these shoes until at least April or May again so it’s okay if they’re packed away.
I don’t know why there’s so many shoes! Â We don’t have THAT many people here!
The Bathroom Closet
On to the next area. Â The bathroom closet. Â I haven’t gone in there in a long time because well, frankly, I just can’t get in there. Â It’s a tall skinny closet that doesn’t function very good. Â It’s hard to get things in and out of it but we need it as a place to put things. Â It doesn’t take more than a couple hours to clean it out but I won’t have a couple hours for a few more weeks. Â Until then, it will just drive me crazy.
The Kitchen Mess
So, the closet is the second place that needs a lot of work but neither one of those two places need as much work as one area of my kitchen. Â This is one of those embarrassing places. Â I feel like it looks worse in the pictures than in real life but unfortunately, I think I can just see it in the pictures. Â I’m so used to looking at it that I don’t see it anymore. Â This is an area that will probably take me an entire week to finish. Â Some of it will get done before Christmas but most of it will have to wait.
What a disaster! Â That wine rack has turned into a stuff everything into it kind of place. Â As you can see, not much wine but tons of other stuff. Â The top of the microwave is packed, as is the counter. Â This stuff seems to be all the stuff that doesn’t have any place else to go. Â I’ll really need to work on finding some organization for these things. Â I have a few ideas but no time right now to think about them.
These areas will be the first ones to get worked on in the new year. Â Actually, I will have the shoes done by the end of the weekend. Â I have the basket of hats and mittens on top that will probably have to wait but that’s okay. Â They aren’t causing a scene or anything yet. Â They’re over the top of the basket right now but just a little bit. Â I want to catch it before it explodes all over the entire shoe holder but I don’t feel like it’s too that point yet and I’ll get to it before it does.
It looks like you stuff stuff into every nook! Good luck with that lot 😀
Proud of you for tackling the shoe spot! Visibility rule- Nony says! Whatever you can see from front door, is a priority! Can’t wait to see how beautiful your tree will be!
Even when the surface looks good, there are always those “hidden” places. Enjoy the holidays!!
Thanks! You too!