September 19


Day 15 of the 21 Day Decluttering Challenge

It’s late but I finally finished for tonight.  It’s hard to do this during the week but if I can at least declutter the daily amount of the challenge, I think I’ll finish the storage room by this weekend.  This is what I found to get rid of:

  • Another Santa Hat
  • 24 movies and games
  • Pack of cowboy shower curtain rings
  • Red belt
  • Shirt
  • Old jeans
  • I Love NY hat
  • Pair of purple socks
  • Blankie
  • Avon make up kit
  • Sudoku book
  • Ipod case
  • Iphone case
  • Guitar belt
  • Manicure set
  • Pack of 6 Lip glosses
  • Waterproof first aid kit
  • Brand new pair of jeans
  • Stationary desk set

42 Things!!  I counted the movies all individually but there were a lot more and I picked out each of these to get rid of so I counted them separately.  I thought that was fair.

decluttering challenge

Day 3 = 59
Day 4 = 61
Day 5 = 35
Day 6 = 77
Day 7 = 41
Day 8 = 56
Day 9 = 15
Day 10 = 18
Day 11 = 12
Day 12 = 21
Day 13 = 45
Day 14 = 76
Day 15 = 42 things closer to 1000!

Grand Total So Far = 558 Things!

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