October 3


Day 23 of the 21 Day Decluttering Challenge

I don’t feel like counting things today but I’m going to anyways.  I need to keep up with the progress.  I wasn’t expecting to be home tonight but I was and managed to get rid of a few things.  I’m also going to need to come up with a new title since we’re past day 21 now!  I’ll try to think of something new tomorrow.

  • Yellow backpack – Kitty not included
  • 3 Plastic bags
  • Canvas grocery bag with broken handle
  • Scarf
  • Pair of socks
  • Broken Tupperware container
  • 2 Packs of crayons
  • Purina towel
  • Christmas glass
  • Tornado toy – this is going again, it was snatched out of  my pile the other day
  • Single sock
  • Sunglasses
  • Pair of tights
  • 1937 Ford Pick up – this is going again too.
  • Brown Bobby Jack pants – second time for this too!
  • Handyman magazine
  • The Pampered Chef catalog
  • Lid to a container
  • Another pair of socks
  • Scentsy catalog
  • Purple cup from The House on the Rock – I love this cup but the lid leaks!
  • Broken laundry basket not in the pic
  • 42 various papers not in the pic either

decluttering challenge

67 things!

Granted a few of them were doubles but I figured that I had to convince someone to let me get rid of them a second time so I counted them again.

And what do you all think about the papers?  Do you count each paper or just throw them away without counting them at all?  Do you count them as “1 pile of papers”?  I can’t decide but I hate going through piles of papers so maybe I should count them.  I won’t ever have to touch them again and that’s what I’m going for.

I wish that I would have gone to see my horse tonight.  There’s not going to be many nice evening left and I haven’t been out there in almost a week.  I just want to get this done but I need to make myself do things I enjoy too.

Grand total = 1,180 since September 1st, 2016.

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