September 7


Day 3 of the 21 Day Decluttering Challenge

I was reading one of declutteringthestuff’s post about a 21 day decluttering challenge that Anne @MinimalistSometimes had posted and thought it sounded interesting!

There’s a plan for the decluttering challenge that goes like this – day 1, get rid of 1 thing, day 2, 2 things, and so on for 3 weeks.  After 3 weeks, you’ll have gotten rid of 231 things.  As you might know, I need to make more progress than that at this point in my decluttering so I’m just getting rid of as much as I can.  I’ve never counted the number of items that I’m getting rid of before so this will be lots of fun!!

I’m skipping ahead to day 3 which would be a total of 6 things by now.  I’ve already surpassed that in 10 minutes.

Here’s the first decluttering batch:


  • 4 shirts, 1 really cute dress and 1 Falcons sweatshirt
  • Toy milk truck
  • Christmas cassette tape
  • Kids safey scissors
  • A Playstation 2 Neopets game
  • Lilo & Stitch dvd
  • First pillow that my daughter quilted (ouch, hard to give it up but she said to let it go so I am)

That’s 13 so far!  But that’s not enough…

On to the next batch:

declutter challenge

  • Lite-Brite
  • 4 Santa Hats
  • Hair brush
  • 1 nice pair of socks
  • 2 grubby socks
  • Rainbow horse tail bag
  • 1 CD with 1 million recipes on it
  • Merry Christmas sign
  • Santa Beard
  • Curtain
  • 8 bows and ribbons that we put in our pony’s mane at Christmas
  • Crumpled roll of wrapping paper
  • 1 shirt in the picture
  • 22 shirts that aren’t in the picture

That makes 46 for this batch and I’m done for today.

Here’s the stats so far:

Day 3:  59 things!!

Taking the time to stop, count, and take pics is slowing things down a bit but that’s okay.  Once the challenge is done, I’ll go back to just getting rid of things as fast as possible.

I had brought three buckets down from the storage room today and have already gotten rid of a little more than one.  I’m thinking that the next two are going to be a little harder but I’m hoping that I can get all three buckets down to one by tomorrow night.

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  • You are racing ahead of us all 🙂 You go girl!

    I’m trying to contain myself so I can post the appropriate items pr day.. but I’m already struggling as I have a pile ready to go (I think I’m waiting for day 17 or something to post it).. I might not make it until that day though before it makes it to the blog 😉 We will see…

  • Wow!! You are whizzing thru this challenge!! Wonderful!! Except, I felt a pinch in my heart when I saw that pillow, and read it was the first one your daughter quilted!! I figuratively grabbed it, and whined “Nooooooo!!”

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