December 28


It’s Only Day 3 But Seeing Some Progress

This is going to be short and sweet but with no pic.  It’s always hard to start decluttering in any room because it seems so overwhelming.  Looking around, I don’t see anything to get rid of. But after only 3 days and not much time at all (due to these terrible allergies), I’m already up to 78 things!  I’m not even sure how it happened.  I only spent about 15 minutes working on it today but managed to find 15 things.

  • 2 Shirts
  • Pillowcase
  • 12 undergarments (that’s why there’s no pic for today!)

Total after Day 3 = 78 things

I’m hoping to make huge progress tomorrow.  I’m going to be aiming for at least 51 things but no promises.  My son is having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled so that will take priority.  Hopefully I’ll get it done before the appointment.

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