August 20


Day 32 Things From the Kitchen

The kitchen has been the hardest so far.  My kitchen counter is kind of like my front porch.  I can’t make any progress and when I do, it just goes right back to the way it was.  It’s frustrating.  I managed to get rid of all these expired foods and some dishes.  Of course there were some papers in there that didn’t belong.

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  • found kitchen to be a hard part to declutter myself too! I do not know why; I think we always think that everything will be needed at one point or the other. I, like yourself, make effort to at least get rid of plastics, paper, or items that I did not use in a while. I have found 4-5 yogurt tubes cleaned and packed the other day. I am sure I have had a use for them once, but not anymore. time to let them go…

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