September 13


Day 55 Creepy Doll and Cute Minnie Mouse Earring Tree

Too bad I’m not a doll connoisseur.  Sometimes creepy dolls are worth money.  There’s two grandmas who always used to give one of the girls these creepy dolls.  They always told her that she should keep them because they would be worth money someday.  Of course, me being Mom, and her being a kid, I guess I was expected to make sure they were taken care of.  It might have been easier if either one of us actually liked the dolls even a little bit.

Creepy Doll on the Move

Over the years, I’ve packed and repacked them.  Moved them to this bedroom or that bedroom.  Took them to the basement and back upstairs again.  I even moved them to an apartment she lived in for a few short months after high school.  But now they’re back in my house again being moved from room to room again, sorted and resorted. I decided with this doll that I’m not going to feel guilty getting rid of them. She doesn’t want them.  I don’t want them either and they are taking up space.

(Honestly, this doll isn’t quite as creepy as a lot of the others but this one has some moldy spots on her dress which automatically puts her in the creepy category.)

The Minnie Mouse Avon Earring Tree

This earring tree is cute and from the early 90’s.  This brings back good memories but only a few. It doesn’t bring me joy and I’m never going to use it.  There’s really no reason to keep it.

About the most useful thing in this lot is the heart basket.  It even had stuff in it when I found it but I don’t have any place to put it right now.  I don’t like it enough to keep it around any longer.  Boy oh boy, this is getting easier by the day!!

day 55 decluttering challenge

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