I’ve got a long list tonight but not as long as I was hoping for! Even though I tried starting early in the morning, I was having a hard time. I might be getting a little overwhelmed. Some things are hard to let go but I know that I need to do it. This house needs to be decluttered.
- Black purse
- 8 cell phone covers
- Ronald McDonald car
- Ruler
- Inhaler chamber
- Horse syringe
- Pink pony belt
- Horse bit
- Packet of flower seeds
- Dresser handle
- Toy parrot
- Toy toucan
- Round sequence
- Starburst spangles
- Heart earrings
- Butterfly necklace
- More heart earrings
- Green gift bag
- Dollar store speakers
- Family Handyman magazine
- Ice Age Dvd with bonus material
- Toothbrush
- Clear Water aquarium chemicals
- Counting cube
- 2 doll slippers (not a pair)
- Toy horse brush
- Teddy bear cutter outer thing
- Assassins audio book on cassette tapes
- Silver frame
- Self charging smoke alarm (I just don’t have a lamp for this or I would use it)
- Horse ornament
- Pair of shoes
- Dress suit
- Cookbook Recipe Journal kit
- Pair of socks
- Another pair of shoes
- Pack of 2 bandanas
- Elmo cup
- Glue stick
- Clothespin
- Dr. Seuss book
- Tacky Glue
- Candle holder
- Suze Orman book
- Taste of Home magazine
- Notebook
- Folder
- Clamp
- Twistable crayon
- Clamp
- 8 pairs of pants
- 9 shirts
- Random CD
- Envelopes
Ok, that’s it. My brain can’t do anymore today. 77 THINGS!! (I was hoping for more since it is Saturday and I’ve been working on it all day but it’s better than none.)
That’s a GRAND TOTAL of 232 THINGS!!
- Day 3 = 59
- Day 4 = 61
- Day 5 = 35
- Day 6 = 77
I got the keep stuff back into buckets and they’re ready to go back to the storage room. I still have lots of empty buckets here so I know I’m making progress. I almost forgot the wonderful feeling of being able to see the floor too. It’s been covered in buckets for the past week and it’s so nice to be able to walk through the living room again tonight. There’s still way too much in here but every bit out is helping.
Taking a Break
Since things were stressful here, we took a break and went to go see my horse. It was a beautiful day and I didn’t want to miss it. We all know fall is coming really quickly! My daughter did some riding and then we helped out in the barn for a little bit. It was a nice little break!
Horse syringe??
I’m so thrilled to read your posts and see how much you get rid of each day!!
I’d totally love to have that smoke detector! What a neat idea!
LOL! I had to spray some mouth wash into my horse’s mouth one time so they gave me a syringe. I thought the smoke detector was awesome but I don’t have a single lamp to put it in. I’ve had it for years thinking that I must have a lamp that it will fit in so I searched this weekend and nope, no lamp!
I thought, “Wow! that’s brave to vaccinate your own horse!” lol
Aw man. 🙁
Oh, my gosh.. you are doing amazing… AMAZING!!!! I’m super impressed 🙂
You made the challenge goal 15 days ahead of schedule! You can see part of the floor and walk through the room!! And you have worked through some of the emotions of parting with the stuff!!! AWESOME DAY!!!
Thanks! That helps! However, I got home and my daughter did as I asked her – she brought more down to the living room from the storage room.. lol There’s no end to it!! I think I should do 50 things a day for 60 days. I wonder what it would look like around here.. hmmmm
LOL It has taken us a lot longer than we thought. Hang in there!