Did you ever do nothing for an entire day and then get kind of mad at yourself because you didn’t get anything done? That’s how I feel today. The last five days have been wild and crazy. Today was the first day in weeks that I haven’t had anything that I had to do. If I did, I totally forgot about them. So I did nothing at all. Literally. I watched movies all day because U-Verse had a free movie channel preview weekend. I love it when they do that.
The only thing that I needed to get done was updating forms for our 4-H horse project. It didn’t involve getting off the couch. After spending five days walking and moving around a lot, my body didn’t like all the sitting that I did today. I have a terrible stomachache. My son had a terrible stomachache on Wednesday and Thursday but we thought it was a combination of too much pool water and greasy food. Maybe he had something contagious. I don’t know but I hope I feel better tomorrow!
After work, I will get back to working on my front porch. I don’t know if I will get rid of 3 things or 30 things but the more, the better! I’m hoping to at least get tons of papers and maybe some boxes out of there. We might be going to the barn so if I find some horse things, I can take them out there to get them off my porch.
Tuesday is the Day of Giving
I was just watching the news and they said that Tuesday is the day of giving. Maybe I’ll have a few things ready that I can donate. I’m hoping I do. I know for sure that I have some Tupperware that can go and there’s also some action figures that a relative wanted me to sell for them. I tried listing them on eBay but nobody even looked at them. They can go now. There’s one big thing that I don’t know what to do with. It’s a Coca-Cola lawn chair. It’s a nice lounge type one that lays back but I don’t have any place to put it. It was in the garage so maybe I will try to fit it back out there. I think that will be my main focus. I’ll be able to move around out there easier if that’s not in there.
Guess you just st needed a break. Sometimes we ignore our bodies and it just seems to make things worse. Glad you listened!
Nothing wrong with a day of rest! Especially since your tummy was “off”. Now, you’ll be ready to go full blast again!