March 11


Looking At Decluttering Pens From a Different Perspective

decluttering pens when you have too many

Looking over at the pile of clutter next to my desk, I caught a glimpse of a penholder full of pens, pencils, highlighters, and markers. Time for decluttering pens!

Right that minute, I decided to go through them and get rid of as many as I could.

Like everything else, I laid them out and started testing them, picking out a few to get rid of. But there were so many and why did I need all of these? Picking them out by onesies and twosies wasn’t going real fast, I was struggling to let them go, and it was stressing me out.

Then I turned it around and asked myself which ones I WANTED to keep.

More specifically, I asked myself, “If I could keep the ones that I really want, the ones that I need and will help me reach my goals, which ones would I keep?”

There was no set amount to keep or get rid of. I was just decluttering pens by way of keeping what I really wanted.

This one thing freed me from the guilt of letting them go.

When I started, I would test a pen and if it worked, I felt like I had to keep it. It’s a functioning pen. It came from somewhere. Either I bought it or I got it at a memorable event, or I got it from some business and I might need the number on it if I ever decide to call them.

Like who looks at pens when they need to find a phone number?

I really felt like I was doing something wrong by letting go of these perfectly fine pens.

Now, armed with this new way of looking at it, I went picking through the pile and found the ones that I know I enjoy writing with. I grabbed a few brand new highlighters and a few Sharpies.

Then I didn’t even look at the rest except to line them up for the picture. (That’s the get rid of pile!)

In case you’re curious, I ended up getting rid of 39 pens. I think that’s pretty good!

Next time you’re decluttering pens and you get stuck, give this a try and see if it helps you too!

P.S. If you’re looking for a decluttering challenge for 2021, head on over to the Nourishing Minimalism website for a free decluttering challenge chart!

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  • I think I got rid of about 400 pens one time – and they all didn’t work! I actually sat and tested each and every one from the pen drawer (yep, it was a drawer dedicated to pens and pencils). I’m down to one pencil cup and one pen cup now.

    • Wow!!! I can’t believe none of them worked!! That’s a lot!! My mom took like 40 home last week and she said none of them worked lol! So I gave her a bunch more but she hasn’t tested them yet.

  • That’s an excellent get rid of pile! Except I’m sad about the purple marker, and crayon. May they RIP.
    I’m past 325 on my chart!!And my daughter, whom I am helping, is almost at 200!! I enjoy coloring in those squares so much!!

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