We have a tack store in our area that sells things on consignment. I had to go there tonight to drop a saddle off for a friend and right before I left, I saw a pile of my horse stuff that didn’t sell at the fair. I thought why not take it along? It’s in my living room and I’m planning on cleaning in here all weekend. It will free up a little space. So I dropped a few things off and maybe I’ll make a couple bucks.
Since they’re just on consignment and there’s a chance they could come back home, I wasn’t sure if I should put them in my count but I think I’m going to. They’ll be there a minimum of three months and after that, I probably won’t care about any of it.
Here’s my little list:
- Halter/bridle combo
- Better Bucket
- Shipping boots
- Purple reins
- Saddle pad
That’s it. Just 5 things decluttered today.
I would say anything you remove from the house counts – selling it is a WIN WIN – it’s gone AND you made a few dollars!
I was worried about it coming back but I think this lady lets you leave the stuff there for as long as it takes to sell.
5 is good….
5 big-ish things! Keep it up!
Purple!! Of course, it totally does!! If they don’t sell, just tell them to donate them!!