December 31


You Can Get It Done In 2021!

Whether your goal this year is to declutter your whole house or just one room, you can get it done in 2021!

Now that we’ve all learned that working outside the home isn’t the real problem, it’s time to focus and figure out what is.

It’s not laziness because I’m always doing something. In fact, I think it’s exactly the opposite. There’s so many other things to do besides worrying about a mess!

Selling on eBay is one of those things. You can get rid of so many things and turn them into cash!

If you have a goal of working from home or making extra money selling online and need any help, let me know! I would love to help you!

A lot has changed on eBay since I first started selling in 2000 but the one thing that hasn’t changed is the thrill I get every time something sells.

I love hearing that CHA-CHING coming from my phone! It’s like a game.

The hardest part is not letting it get out of control. It’s so much fun finding things to sell!

Keeping the inventory from taking over the house and having enough space to store it is key. You have to be very careful!

If you stick to selling your own clutter, or should I say collections, you’ll be fine! It’s when you start bringing it home that it becomes a problem. If you’re at all like me, your house is pretty full already. Adding to that is the last thing you want to do!

Enough about eBay for now.

When you need to get rid of things fast, like I need to do this year, it’s best to just let it go and not worry about selling it. That’ll be the focus for the next few months. If I can get it done, then…

YOU can get it DONE in 2021!!

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