I’ve always wanted the kind of house where people could drop in whenever they wanted and I could let them in.
A welcoming house that’s always ready for company. Not perfect, but clean enough.
We made it almost a year with the house in that condition.
Today, I’m not letting anyone in. It’s a mess. Although it’s not unrecoverable.
I cleaned my bedroom this morning and got rid of a whole box of clothes. That made me feel really good because I have nowhere near the amount of clothes that I had at the old house and I still got rid of a lot.
Next, I worked on the playroom. I’m not finished yet but I got rid of a whole box of toys from in there with no problem.
My bathroom has nothing in it so that will be quick to clean up and I know there’s a few things in the medicine cabinet that I can get rid of.
See, none of it’s too bad, except the kitchen. The kitchen is the whole reason that I wouldn’t welcome guests right now. It’s the worst room of the house and I don’t know what to do to keep it clean.
It’s a real thorn in my side.
That’s the area that I will be focusing all my attention on today. I have a list about a million miles long but there’s what I need to work on the most. I hope I can find a lot to get rid of in there too.
I’m still not feeling real great either. This covid is really sucking the energy out of me. I went shopping for a few hours today and by the time I got home, I didn’t want to do anything else. I’m going on week three of feeling really cruddy now. I guess it’s okay that people don’t drop in for a visit right now anyways.
We seem to be on constant kitchen cleaning mode. It never seems to let up!
Hope you start feeling normal soon!