The last couple of weeks in the garden have been rough with this darn covid. It makes it so uncomfortable trying to do anything out there, especially a September garden tour.
But I did it! I made a garden tour video that I’m so excited about!
It’s been incredibly humid outside which is icky any time but being sick makes it even worse. I’ll be doing something like raking and by the time I’m done, I’m drenched.
Breathing is okay for the most part but the asthma attacks have been bad for everyone in the house who got it. If you watch the video, you’ll see that it kicks up pretty bad about halfway through. It’s such a nagging, annoying cough that won’t go away.
Lastly is just the sheer exhaustion. I can’t do too much or I feel like I’m going to collapse.
The challenges that I went through with this first year garden make all of this even more gratifying. Things went so wrong so many times that it’s a miracle that anything besides weeds grew at all.
Anyways, I’m so excited to show it off in this garden tour and to show everyone that you can do it too! It just takes a little work.
The weeds have been out of control so I’ve been working on ways to change that for next year.
No till gardening is pretty big on YouTube but I don’t think I can go no till right away. It’ll probably take a few years but I’m going to try it to see what it can do.
For now, I’m lightly tilling over areas where I’m done growing things for the year and then raking out the weeds that were brought up with the tiller.
A lot of videos that I’ve watched use cardboard to cover the ground and then they pile stuff on top but cardboard has done bad things in my garden so I’m not sure that I’ll be doing that.
Composting is so interesting to me. I talk about it a little bit in the garden tour video and I think I’ll make it’s own video in a few days. It’s that intriguing to me!