December 26


Gearing Up for a New Year of Decluttering

Some people might have been looking forward to after Christmas shopping today but not me!  I couldn’t wait to get started on decluttering in my bedroom.  There’s a pic to go with the list but I can’t seem to upload it right now.  I’ll try again later.

I couldn’t do much today because of all the dust.  Forget the dust bunnies, there were dust doggies in there.  They were huge.  Where exactly do clumps of dust come from?  Of course, I have terrible dust allergies so I’m not feeling all that great tonight.  This project might need to be broken up into small blocks of time every day but we’ll see.  I was hoping to finish by next Monday but it might take two weeks to finish it.

Let’s Get Started!

  • Stop the Insanity! book (I guess it didn’t work)
  • Roadmap to Success book (this one didn’t work either)
  • Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark
  • Poltergeist The Legacy
  • Night Mare
  • Christmas Crafts
  • Tupperware Confidence brochure
  • Cat toy
  • Cat collar
  • Bottle of bubbles
  • Lamp
  • 5 tooth flossers
  • 2 hotel key cards
  • 26 old hair ties
  • Popsicle stick

I’m excited to begin the count:  Day 1 = 45 things

I always feel a little guilty counting all of those little tiny things like hair ties individually but they are all individual things that I will never have to pick up off the floor again.

Total After Day 1 = 45

Grand Total for the house =  1,459

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  • I agree with counting all the little things, especially if I had to pick them up!! Did you see that I counted all the Barbie shoes when I cleared them out of the garage? My reasoning: I picked them up more than once over the years, they should count for something for me. Congrats on the 45 items!

  • Stop the Insanity! Susan Powter! The first white woman I’d ever seen with abuzz cut! It didn’t work for me either.
    SAve the popsicle stick for me! lol JK, I have a lot more in the freezer just waiting their turn!
    Great job!!

  • I got a chuckle out of your editorial comments on the first two list items!

    I have trouble with dust too. Sometimes I tie a bandana over my face like a Western bank robber. Dollar stores have cheap masks too but that would be buying something.

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