While it seemed like it was bad timing for a move, the truth is that when you have a lot of things, there will never be a good time to move.
Moving is hard enough when you have an average amount of things in your home. When it’s overflowing, it’s so much harder.
- You need a lot of boxes.
- You need a lot of space to put those boxes.
- It’s hard to organize anything.
- The stuff is neverending.
- There’s layers of things throughout the house.
- When you think you’re almost done, you’re only just beginning.
There were many other reasons why it seemed like bad timing for us to consider moving.
- The air conditioner broke and I was afraid we would have to repair it before moving.
- The economy is still pretty unstable from covid.
- The kids are all living close by except for one.
- My mom lives very close and her health has been failing.
- The neighbors have all been getting together and socializing.
- We’re still working on credit repair.
- The whole house would need to get emptied out.
- Work is only 8 minutes from home.
And on and on and on….
But things are always going to be like this and then they’ll change again.
The economy will get better and then worse many times. The kids might move and then move back. Work might not always be eight minutes away.
It was time to put those fears and hesitations away, say a few prayers, and see what happens!
I figured that if it was a good time to move, it would happen.
Besides all the other reasons for it not being a good time, there was the living room. It had gotten extra bad and it didn’t seem like there was any way to recover from the mess. Since the whole house was full, there was no place to go with anything.
It seemed like the only way out of it was to empty the whole house and if we were doing that, then it would definitely be a good time to move.
You have to jump sometimes!! Emptying out the house is one way to do it! lol