August 23


Spending the Next Few Weeks Helping a Hoarder

A few years ago, I posted about a trip to my mom’s friend’s hoarded house. At that point, there was a small path through some of the rooms. We had to get in that time to change some lightbulbs. Well, things have gone from bad to VERY VERY bad. The house is now uninhabitable for the most part. So where is she staying? Unfortunately, she’s progressed to sleeping in her car because she can’t get to her bedroom on most days.

If she does need to get to her bedroom, it takes her an hour. She’ll move a bag behind her, then take a little step. Then she’ll move the next bag behind her, and take another step. She’s 77 years old and it must be exhausting for her! The toilet is broken so she has to go to a store or take another hour long trip through her basement, moving things along the way, to turn the water on and off to flush the toilet. It’s heartbreaking.

About 2 years ago, her microwave broke but it was buried under about 2 feet of stuff and she couldn’t get it out so she hasn’t been able to make herself food. Last winter, her furnace broke. Again, she survived by staying in her car when it got too cold and it gets cold here in the midwest.

Enough is Enough

Last week, my mom put her foot down and told her that she couldn’t let her spend another winter without heat. She told her that we were coming over to make a path to the furnace and to get the broken microwave out and put a new one in. Toilet repair will be next.

I made my first visit over there today and it looks like a hoarder house. I have pics but it looks like any other hoarder house so I won’t post them. Maybe when we make more progress I will post a few before and afters.

We accomplished the first goal of getting the broken microwave out and the new one in. She was so happy!! It was very small progress but it was progress nonetheless.

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