April 14


How Does the Mess Happen So Fast?

I’ve been cleaning, clearing, and decluttering the mess in my living room for a few months now.  It has actually stayed that way for about four months but has recently exploded.  All it took was a few weeks of being too busy to work on it and Kaboom! Mess!

I guess that shows that it takes daily intervention to keep it looking good or the stuff takes over.  My glimmer of hope in this room is the pile of things that will be leaving soon.  I’ve been giving it away left and right.  This weekend would be great for a free table because the weather is going to be beautiful but I’m too busy to set it up.  I hope next weekend is nice too.  I don’t think I have too much going on.  I also have to finish up the things that are on my list from the dreaded letter.

Another part of the problem is the lack of organization on my front porch.  I just don’t seem to be getting anywhere out there and some of it keeps ending up back in the house.  I have a lot of horse tack out there.  It’s the perfect place to keep it but it’s all over.  It’ll be easier to work on it when I can put some outside while I work on it but the weather has been terrible here. Of course, today is nice but I don’t have time to work on it.

Months of planning and my daughter’s bridal shower is done now.  It was nice.  There were only around 20 people there. We haven’t seen some of them in awhile so it was good to catch up. The wedding is in about a month and a half.

The weekend after the wedding will be crazy too but then after that, I think I will need to start setting weekly goals for my house.  I would like the storage room gone through by the time school starts in the fall.  Thankfully, cleaning goes so much faster now.  I don’t have to spend any time making room to put something away.  I just don’t want to run out of steam too soon!

Planning is going to be key to finishing this up.  Setting up goals and sticking to them will help me finish everything.  Each room needs a little work.  It’ll be slow going for a few months (or a lot of months) but I’m getting there.


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