July 3


How much can you put in a garage?

hoarding garage
This is before we started.

I’m spending this beautiful holiday weekend working on my garage.  The amount of stuff that you can shove in a one car garage is unbelievable!! You had to climb through a little tiny path that was just about gone to get from the front to the back.  I forgot to take a picture before I started but here’s one from the camera view.  I think it was about 45 minutes in before I remembered to start snapping them with my phone.

hoarding garage
Here’s the inside of the garage right now.

Right now, the garage is almost emptied out.  We’ve been working on it for about 5 hours.  I don’t know how we’re going to finish but we have to get it done by tomorrow.  The whole driveway is full.  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.  No, it was.  It’ll get done and I’ll feel so much better when it’s finished.

I think the hardest part is getting everything out.  There’s so much that’s been put in there that we can get rid of now that I’m hoping it goes a little bit fast. I have been finding things like two hockey sticks in there.  None of the kids have ever played hockey so I don’t even know why we have them or how long we’ve had them.  I have no idea where they came from.

I had to take a break because my allergies were going batty.  Back to work I go!  I can’t leave this stuff all over the driveway!

hoarding garage
It’s filling up my entire driveway!

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  • Sadly my mum’s garage is a hoarding zone… more so since I moved out and my car isn’t in there, that space has now been filled too.

  • Good job on getting it cleaned! It seems that a lot of people fill their garages with stuff; sometimes I’m amazed at how much stuff people have and feel they need to keep (even if they don’t need it, use it, or even remember it’s there). I like to keep in mind the fact that when I die, none of it is coming with me.

    • Yea I don’t know what it is. We ended up keeping more than I wanted to but there’s a path through now and it’s not stacked as high. Like the rest of the house, it’s probably going to take a few declutterings.

  • We’ve mentioned wanting to use it, and we have asked about what all is in there and being willing to clean it up. She didn’t really seem to take the bait though.

    • It has to be really frustrating knowing that there’s perfectly good space being wasted that you could put to good use!!! Have you ever asked them about it?

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