Last weekend was the fourth weekend that my mom and I were helping her hoarder friend. She resisted getting rid of anything the first weekend and things were feeling pretty hopeless. I think we left there with less than 10 things. They were all glass vases.
The second weekend we worked hard getting rid of lots of empty boxes and firewood. Very few useable items left the house. We were able to get a few things organized so that we had enough room to move around a little bit. And by little bit, I really mean a little bit.
By the third weekend, it was getting easier to move through the basement even though we still had a lot to finish! But by now, I was coming in prepared! With the proper equipment, things were much easier. And it was finally getting easier for her to get rid of a few things.
I consider the fourth weekend to be the turning point even though we’re still far from completion, like a million miles to go yet.
Papers are definitely the easiest thing for her to let go. I’m pretty sure that papers were one of the first and easiest things for me to start letting go when I began my decluttering adventure too. So, I let her take her time and I didn’t rush her, even though rushing really was in order. I want, and need, her to go through the process even if we’re under a deadline.
Her and my mom sat and talked about junk mail, receipts, old bills, decades old newspapers and magazines, and all those other papers that can come back and haunt us if we don’t get rid of them. She threw away a lot! Next were the stacks and stacks of magazines that were everywhere. By the end of the day, she could look through a stack and say, yep, get rid of all of it! And I could tell that she was proud of herself for being able to do that again.
My truck was so full of papers that I couldn’t even take pictures of all the other things she was able to get rid of. That’s why there’s a separate post for the papers and the other things. She did such a good job that I really want to show it off!
Knick Knacks, Flowers, and Some Easter eggs
This is one of the biggest accomplishments. She loves having pictures around and she does have some beautiful ones but there’s just too many. Remember, we only got rid of a few compared to what she kept.
There were still a few things in the truck that didn’t make it into the picture. I had 3 more hanging pictures that were much bigger ones and some TV trays.
Considering that the house is so full that you can’t tell we did anything, I think this is huge no matter what anyone says. I know this is so hard for her but I also know that it’s been great for her to be able to sit somewhere when she gets home. I wish that someplace was inside her house but we’re getting there!
I’ll be spending the day there again tomorrow as we try to get a path through the kitchen. I’m excited and can’t wait to get started on it!
Oh, Jen!! How wonderful!! She should be proud of herself!!