August 12


I’ve Been Decluttering All Day Today

I’m so determined to get rid of things that I think I’m bordering on obsessed now.  I just can’t seem to even make a dent.  Usually when I get the get rid of stuff out, you can see a difference.  This time however, it doesn’t look any different.  After taking out 2 big garbage bags full, filling a donation box, and delivering a bag of food to my mom, it still doesn’t look any better in my living room.

Apparently things were piling up higher than I was realizing.  I guess that happens when clutter is invisible to you. It appears when I look at it through a camera.  I don’t know why.  I’ve been taking pictures all day hoping to see improvement but it hasn’t happened yet.  Things must be getting better though.  How couldn’t they with everything that’s gone out the door?

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    • LOL! That’s definitely how I was feeling yesterday! I woke up this morning and things are looking a little better 🙂 Not as much progress as I would have liked after spending the whole day on it but it’s something.

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