If the way January goes is really the way that the year goes, it looks like 2023 is going to be a rough one!
There’s only one word to describe it
Some years start out with being sick and then I end up being sick the whole year. Or maybe something breaks and then everything breaks throughout the year.
Well, this January has had it all.
I’ve been super sick for weeks now. Just can’t seem to kick it. The coughing is almost unbearable.
The house is a disaster but more on that later.
eBay has been going a little too well and trying to keep up with shipping has been interesting.
I’m still working from home but that’s gotten a little trickier now too. I’m ready for a change in scenary. I have a solution for that but it’s going to take a little work.
The weather has been terrible here too. Somedays, I feel like that makes things a little harder to get done too. I don’t think we saw the sun here for almost a month. It’s so dark out all the time. And now we’ve had below 0 temps for the past week.
I have enough outside gear to stay warm but putting all that stuff on so many times a day is exhausting!
It’s just January
Normally all of this would just be par for the course. The way January goes is the way it goes. But there’s a reason things are different this year.
A really big reason!
An 85 lb reason!
It’s Petunia

She’s our new 7 month old St. Bernard puppy. I never thought we’d have a dog, especially not a St. Bernard!
Challenging is the word I would use to describe her. I haven’t had a dog in a very long time and I just don’t know what to do to entertain her. She demands constant attention and if I don’t give it to her, she finds a way to get it.
The cats are play toys to her so that’s been a struggle. She tears everything up which is why the house is such a mess. It’s been six weeks since we got her and she’s finally starting to sit down once in awhile. Not often but even a little bit helps!
It doesn’t feel like the house is ever going to go back to normal.
I guess CHAOS is the new normal around here!