September 24


Listing Pictures That Made It All Worthwhile

After three awful weeks of packing and hauling things to the storage unit, we needed to get the listing pictures done.

When you have an awesome realtor, you can be sure that you’ll probably get a pretty awesome photographer too. Awesome realtors make sure that everyone they work with is at the same level of awesomeness as they are.

We weren’t totally ready so we did a few things to make the house look better before he got there.

I had a shelf on the front porch that I had put in for boots but never stained or anything. So I stained that. Here’s the before and after pics.

Some of the screens were ripped on the front porch too. I was going to get them fixed but everywhere I called said that it would take 2-3 weeks. We didn’t have that long so I just ripped the screens out. It looked much better.

I put a basket of hanging flowers in the front yard. They were still there the last time I drove past the house.

It was just a lot of little things like that which really made a big difference.

Once the photographer got there, he had a lot more little tricks up his sleeve which made the listing pictures look amazing.

He moved furniture around and found the perfect angles for the pics.

These days, they use filters on the pictures. So when you’re looking through listings and a house looks really great, there’s a good chance that it’s just because of the filtering and editing that’s being done.

They can put grass where there isn’t any. Brown, dingy springtime grass is unexpectedly green in the pictures.

Holes in walls are a thing of the past in listing pictures and piles of junk can be erased. Wall colors are changed and rooms stretched out so they look bigger than they are.

Everything is bright and inviting.

Here’s few pics from our listing:

Look at all that bright green grass!

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