December 13


Where did the living room floor go?

Why oh why does the floor disappear so fast? All I did was clean out my truck and poof the floor is gone.  I brought everything inside because it’s way too cold to do anything outside.  I did it yesterday but still haven’t had a minute to put any of it away.  I probably won’t have time tomorrow night either.  Or Thursday night for that matter.  It’s probably all going to sit here until the weekend.

I’m starting to panic just a little bit.  Christmas is getting so close and I have hardly done any shopping yet.  Each day the house is getting a little messier and each day is packed full without a minute to spare.  I keep telling myself that it’s fairly easy to clean it up now and I can take a day off work.  But my eye is still twitching.  Did you know that the only known cause of a twitchy eye is stress?  I think mine is going to be twitching for the next 3 weeks.

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  • I am sure you will handle it well, easy and stop that eye twitching! it had happened to me once when I was young, right before the university exams, and I was so worried that it would continue. It did not, and I got into a wonderful university, but I would not wish it to anyone 🙂 cheers!

  • I took a day off work last week to get myself organized for hosting 2 Christmas parties, and it was great! I highly recommend a day off dedicated to a specific task. Make it like a work day, with work hours and coffee breaks and everything. I bet you’d be able to stop that eye twitch real fast! 🙂

    • That’s a good idea! I think I’ll take off Monday or Tuesday of next week and plan to get everything that I don’t finish over the weekend done.

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