Procrastinating is probably what got my mom’s hoarder friend in trouble in the first place.
You take a glass of milk and maybe some cookies to your bedroom for a before bed snack. You’re really tired so you figure that you’ll take your glass and the half eaten cookie back to the kitchen in the morning. That’s your plan anyways.
You wake up late the next morning and tell yourself that you’ll take care of the cup and half eaten cookie when you get home. After work, you’re exhausted. The cup and cookie can sit there another night.
What’s the big deal?
If you’re a hoarder, it IS a big deal. After about 48 hours, you’ll no longer see it. It just becomes part of the bedroom. That thing in your brain that tries to trigger you to do something about it, no longer tells you to do anything. It’s blind to that cup and cookie and so they sit, and sit, and sit.
Eventually, they get buried under more cups and more cookies that you can’t see and the cycle is set.
That’s what I’m going to help my mom’s friend with today – unburying all those things that her brain are blind to. Who knows? We might find some cups and cookies under all the things that have accumulated in her house over the years.
We’re hoping to get through more of the kitchen today. That’s the plan but last time when I walked in, I was so overwhelmed that my plan was derailed and I barely got anything done.
A ray of hope last night though. She called my mom and told her that she wanted the book shelves and cabinet out of the middle of her kitchen. Yay! The book shelves and cabinet do not belong in the middle of the tiny kitchen. They’re blocking half the room off and getting buried under three feet of things.
I’m off for now! Have a good one and hopefully we’ll all make a positive difference today!
Yay for the ray of hope!!
Just out of curiosity, which author are you allowed to get rid of?
She changed her mind.. originally, she said I could get rid of Patterson. Maybe because she had read them all. But now she bought another one that I can’t get rid of, and she may have read them out of order and/or was missing a few. So, now I can’t get rid of them… at least not yet anyways.