As usual, there are no New Year’s resolutions for me, just a few goals. The way January ends up is usually how the rest of the year goes. Of course, 2020 was an exception but I don’t even know what to say to that! There’s no words.
I’m in the “didn’t mind one bit” camp when it comes to 2020. I’m working from home now and loving every minute of it. It was my dream come true and May 31st is coming way too fast! That’s the day they’re going to tell us if we have to go back to the office.
Four and a half years ago, I set some five year goals for myself.
I’m a lot closer than I was five years ago but not close enough to feel like I’m going to reach the main goal by June of this year.
While reflecting on this past year and what I have and haven’t accomplished, it hit me that I need to be working harder on the things that will help me reach this goal.
Every day, I wake up and look around and think to myself, “Why is there so much stuff in this house?”
I want to wake up six months from now and not have to wonder what I was doing today. Was I being lazy? Did I decide to play games instead of working towards my goal? Or did I do at least one thing that put me closer?
Decluttering this house isn’t THE main goal but the house is a huge part of it.
In six months, I want to be ready to go!
No worrying about the mess. No wondering if I could have done more. No regrets for the way I’m spending my days right now. This mess is the one thing that’s holding me back and it has to change.
So that’s how I’m living my days right now. I’m here today. I’m healthy and doing okay. What can I do today to get me closer to that goal?
I like the idea of a goal vs resolution! My goals for 2020 went out the window/door/whatever in March. Maybe 2020 has forced us to look at what’s important in a different way than ever before.
Yep, it certainly has!
Jen, my main goal this year is to make the 5 quilts I’ve been putting off. The house is livable. The main areas any way!! After the quilts, then I plan to tackle the office.
We can both do this!!
Yep! We sure can!! I can’t wait to see your quilts! I love handmade quilts. I have a whole bag of squares for a simple one that I started years ago but it’s somewhere in the dreaded storage room. I’d love to finish it someday.