May 28


Next Week’s Free Table Will Be Full

I’m starting today with 2 big boxes of things that I’m all set to get rid of.  It’s not that much but the whole couch is still covered with things I’m hoping to get through today.  The room looks a ton better already.  I was able to get some cleaning done underneath where the clutter has been piling up.  I feel good about what I got done yesterday and there will be lots more progress today.

Now, for the free table.

I’ve been finding so many brand new things and just really nice things that I can’t get myself to donate them, especially after the experience I had last week.  I would put up a free table here but there’s construction up the road so I don’t have much traffic.  My mom really loves my free tables so I asked her if I could set it up by her house next week and she said yes.  She lives right off of a busy road that you can see her house from so I think it will work out great.

If you don’t know what the free table is, it’s basically a table that I set up outside with a FREE STUFF sign and let people come and take whatever they want.  If I’m giving it away anyways, why not give it to the people in my own community?  People who I know could use some of it without someone else making a huge profit off of it.  It really bothers me how much they charge for stuff they get for free.  They charge more for it than what you can buy it for new at the store. I wouldn’t have such a problem with it if the prices were reasonable.

I’m terrible at rummage sales.

I also like doing it more than rummage sales.  I’m not good at rummage sales and have never made much money doing them because I mark everything so cheap.  I figured instead of trying to make 50 cents on something, why not just give it away to someone who can use it?  It seems like my idea has been catching on in my area too.  Last week, someone down the road had a rummage sale and at the end, they put a free sign up.  I’m really looking forward to setting it up at my mom’s next week in a different neighborhood.  It would really make me smile to see them popping up all over the city.

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