I can’t seem to catch a break this week. Â Everything has been moving non-stop for days and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. Â It all started last Thursday, April 14th, when we left for the Midwest Horse Fair. Â We spent four days there having a great time and returned home on Sunday evening with only enough time left in the day to do a load of laundry for the week.
My work has been extraordinarily hard for the past few weeks. Â I’ve taken on some new projects and been pressured into working more hours to stay caught up. Â Everything needs to be done yesterday. Â I’ve made some serious mistakes and I worry that every day will be my last there. Â Five employees have put in their 2 week notices in the last two weeks which means more work for the rest of us, on top of all of the new projects. Â It’s been very stressful which I think is why so many people are quitting.
On top of that, a friend’s 29 year old daughter was found dead last weekend. Â It’s been heartbreaking. Â The funeral was today and I cried through the whole thing. Â We’ve known them quite a long time so it was rough attending that. Â I was making everyone around me cry. Â It was hard though, especially when my daughter, who is just a few years younger, is getting married in a few weeks. Â My friend, the girl’s mom, should be planning a wedding for her daughter too, not planning and going to her funeral. Â It’s just so awful.
My daughter who is getting married happened to be in town today and I made sure to have lunch with her after the funeral. Â It really makes you realize that you just never know when and if you will see someone again so it’s important to spend time with loved ones. Â I’ll be seeing her a lot in the next few weeks while we get things ready for the wedding but that wasn’t going to stop me today, even if I am really busy.
I’m supposed to be going to dinner in a little bit and then I have to go back to work. Â I have something that has to be done today and even though it will be late, it has to get done. Â Tomorrow I am hoping to finally clean my front porch. Â I’m still struggling with it. Â I don’t know what to do with all the stuff that is out there but I know that I don’t want it on my porch. Â We sold a lot of the horse stuff that we weren’t using anymore but there’s still a ton that we had to keep. Â I just can’t seem to get any of it organized. Â I could put a bunch of it in my truck but that’s a mess right now too!
In the middle of all this excitement, I’m trying to plan a one day horse camp for our horse project. Â It’s the weekend after the wedding. Â We have most of it planned but we still need one more thing for the kids to do for about an hour. Â We’ve also never had a camp so I’m not sure what else we need to do but I imagine there’s a lot to plan yet, and not really many people who want to help out with that. Â I should be finishing the forms this weekend. Â Maybe I’ll have a little time after I finish the front porch tomorrow.
Now back to the title of this post. Â I was on Twitter the other day and some smart guy posted an article about being busy. Â He was quite proud of himself but the whole article boiled down to this…. People aren’t really busy, they just think they are. They’re really just inefficient. Â What?!?!?! Â I’m sure you can imagine what was going through my mind after reading that one!!!
Hopefully things calm down a bit after the wedding and your workplace hopefully hires more people to help with that part. Best wishes in getting through it all!