And I’m appalled. Where does it come from?? I really haven’t done anything except move stuff around the room. I’ve thrown a little bit of garbage away. Thankfully, there’s not much garbage. Mostly just papers that have fallen on the floor or underneath things. But, I guess I was fooling myself thinking there wasn’t much stuff here.
I thought I would be able to get it mostly done today and have time to do other things but that’s not going to happen. It’s going to take me all three days with all of this. I’m just in shock at how many things there are in this one room. I really thought I was making better progress than this.
How is it that the eyes can see it as too much stuff but the brain doesn’t really see anything wrong? Why is it that some people can look at it and be shocked and for others it’s perfectly fine?
Quick story here that doesn’t offer any insight into eyes or brains: I have a good friend with twins. When they were younger, like preteen age, and she would bring them over (only a couple of times because of the hoard), one of them would get so excited. That one would run all over the house and had the best time ever here. He loved the mess and all the stuff, especially all the cool toys. It was like a treasure hunt for him. The girl on the other hand, could hardly stand being in the house. It drove her crazy. I felt bad for her. It was like sensory overload and she had to get out of here as quickly as possible.
Anyways, I’m not quite sure why I couldn’t see how much stuff was in this room. Back to work I go….
Maybe determine who left the stuff in the room. Maybe they need a gentle (or not so gentle) mind shift too.
You are doing a good job Jen! Don’t lose heart now!
My eyes and brain disconnect too. One day our slob vision will be cured!!
You will have to be like an Energizer Battery and just keep going… You’ll get there…
keep going my friend – you are doing treat; eventually your house will be where you want it to be
Some days it can be so hard to keep the faith that it will ever be good enough to let people in without being embarrassed.