The pets are going crazy. They don’t understand why there’s a giant pile of stuff filling up half the living room. They aren’t sure whether to climb it or go around it.
The cats use the mess as cover and then pounce on their buddies. The pouncees don’t think it’s very funny.
They also don’t really appreciate it when things come tumbling down on top of them. Occassionally they get a nice soft blanket, or coat, or pajamas to lay on. Then they don’t mind so much.
But really, cats and clutter do not go well together. They need solid footing and clear openings so they can see what’s going on all around them.
Another terrifying thing for them is when us humans are trying to climb over things so we have to take huge steps and end up with heavy footfalls. And if we actually trip over things, it’s terrifying to them when we start falling towards them.
The bird can also tell when we are unsteadily climbing over things and starts squawking as we flail around.
Do your pets a favor and reduce the clutter in the house.
They will almost instantaneously act much calmer and look more relaxed.
I’ll try to get a few before and after pics of the frustrated cats before I remove the mound. They will be so much happier when it’s gone.
They seem much more territorial when the space they have to share starts dwindling. They try to claim an area before it’s gone and they have no place to go.
It amazes me when I clear one small space in a room and they find it within a few hours. That tells me they’re looking for a clear spot to sit.
With work starting on the storage room and lots of things leaving the house, things will soon look much better for the pets!